World Bird Wednesday Blue Heron at the San Francisco Botanical Garden

Taken at the San Francisco Botanical Garden. Blue Heron having lunch at the Wild Fowl Pond.

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betchai said…
it's always fascinating to see them, much more capture them with our lens, these are beautiful shots of the heron Jo, such elegant birds.
Ann said…
well isn't he the long legged beauty. Lovely shots
Icy BC said…
Fantastic macro shots of this blue heron, Jo! Really fascinating to see, especially when it caught food, wow..
eileeninmd said…
Great captures, I love to watch the herons fish. I hope you have a great day!
Carletta said…
A wonderful series!
I like all your shots but that first 'lunch catch' is my favorite - a wonderful capture!
My favorites are the white egrets, which luckily we find in most water ways in the East Bay. They are unruffled standing in water by the freeway as thousands of cars go zooming by. Now, that's adaptability.
mick said…
A great series of photos. I especially like the ones where the bird has some prey in its beak.
Kim, USA said…
Awesome series of shots. Love it!
Larry said…
Beautiful shots of what looks like a juvenile Great Blue Heron Jo. I really like the second shot with the crab.
Unknown said…
Great close ups!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
fjällripan said…
The heron is really a fascinating bird! Great captures! :)
Brian King said…
Herons are one of my favorites! Great photos!
Rick (Ratty) said…
I always love to see herons, and it looks like you caught him at just the right time.
Gemma Wiseman said…
A beautiful series of photos highlighting the different poses of the blue heron!
AVCr8teur said…
Wow, you caught one eating! I guess he/she eats it shell and all.

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