Thursday Two Questions Meme - Be Silent

Silence is a source of great strength - Lao Tzu

Photo courtesy of

In this day and age where everyone is busy each moment of everyday there is little time to just stop, relax and be silent.  However in order to truly be who we really are we need to take that time to look within and take hold of our spirit.

My two questions this week are:

1. Do you take the time to be silent each day?
2. Is it through prayer, meditation or otherwise that you get in touch with your innermost feelings?

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Icy BC said…
1) I love to be in total silent early in the morning, and through out the day most of the time..This is when I can hear my thought undisturbed.

2) Before turning in for bed, I say a little prayer by just going outside.
Unknown said…
I crave silence at times. Hubby has a hearing problem so the volume in our home is quite high most the time. I want to once in awhile be alone with my thoughts. Sometimes I go for a ride and just leave the radio off.
Self Sagacity said…
I did today took time to just hear nothing and say nothing. Usually, I try to turn the radio off and be silent the last five minutes before my car rolls into work's garage, and five minutes before my car rolls into my own house garage.
I think it is true what you say in number two. I do think that silence is actually strength.
SquirrelQueen said…
I usually start my day with a little quiet time before the days activities begin. My favorite form of quiet time is to take a long walk in our local park, away from the playground and other busy places. Nature is the best meditation I have ever found.
KatieBug said…
I get the most peace and quiet soaking in the bathtub. That's when I tend to reflect and think about things.
Colette S said…
I have never really focused on being silent for a purpose, but I"m silent alot during the day...well when my kids are at school, or napping etc :)

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