Mellow Yellow Monday - Have You Lost Your Noodle?

Noodle Stats: The Big Noodle is 20 feet long x 9 feet high x 4.5 feet wide.
Each noodle is made of fiberglass and weighs about 2,000 pounds and sits on a steel base.
It takes approximately 4-6 hours to complete one installation.

San Francisco's Pier 39 was chosen as the launch location for the largest Kraft Macaroni and Cheese marketing campaign on the West coast. This noodle is located at the entrance Plaza to Pier 39.

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Anonymous said…
That's a great shot. Now I know where my noodle is!
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
I thought it was a banana at first! :-) It looks huge!
Joanne Olivieri said…
dawn, LOL!!! Glad I was able to find it for you.

Mumsy, it is huge and hilarious in person :D
mARTy said…
that´s a great and funny pic;-) happy week!
Ann said…
Now that's some creative marketing. How cool.
Unknown said…
Wow. I missed that on this year's visit to San Francisco. I never made it down to the waterfront. A lot of time in Japantown, North Beach and Castro. Oh, and Filmore Jazz
Joanne Olivieri said…
Marty, thanks and to you as well.

Ann, It really is but funny to see :D

Pagan, You hit some of the best spot. Fillmore jazz each year is an awesome party!!! Thanks for visiting and commenting
ruthi said…
very interesting. though I am not a big fan of macaroni and cheese. but I will surely have my picture taken in front of it if my cousin will bring me there in December.
eileeninmd said…
That is a big noodle, how could you lose it? Great choice for MYM!
Joanne Olivieri said…
ruthi, let me know when you'll be here.

eileen, LOL!!! Thanks.
Rick (Ratty) said…
I do. I do love it! I love big stuff like this. Big noodles are fun, and the small ones are pretty good too.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ratty LOL!!! You are hilarious :D
RNSANE said…
Cute! I haven't seen it yet. I think they should be giving away free samplings of macaroni and cheese, though and coupons as well!
Bossy Betty said…
I would like one of these for my front yard!
CM said…
Ha! Too funny! What a creative choice for Mellow Yellow Monday!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, absolutely, I think you're right.

Bossy, I would too, I may get lucky with something like that in my yard :D

CM, thanks, I couldn't resist.
This really is a fun picture and post. I love the comments.:-D)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Jean, :D the comments are better than the post, thank you.
Randy said…
Ooo Mac and Cheese suddenly sounds yummy.
betchai said…
wow, very unique Jo. love it.
Leslie D. said…
I must not be reading the news. This is not that far from where I live yet somehow I missed it. Weird in a roadside attraction sort of way!
yoon see said…
Such unusual giant installation with yellow pop finish, it popped my eyes while first look at it, just too creative!

Take care and continue your life long mission to capture more candid shots!
lina said…
So big and so yellow! :D
ilovepink1078 said…
i like the caption. great photographs

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