Psychedelic House @ Ocean Beach

Located out in the Sunset district of San Francisco along the Great Highway, specifically at LaPlaya and Kirkham - for those of you who live in SF, this house may not be the norm but it is certainly a conversation piece. The psychedelic colors and look of the house are amazing.

There are chimes, birds, tambourines, drums, fairies, fish, plants and almost anything else you can think of adorning this stucco home. While on my walks I always like to imagine what type of people live in certain homes just by looking at the outside facade. Each time I pass this house I always smile. I'd love to see the inside. I may just knock on the door one of these days and ask for an interview :)

Side Fence

Side of house at entrance

Front stairs and entrance

Gate to backyard


Secondary Roads said…
Gives meaning to the word, colorful.
Makoy said…
Hi Joanne! This is Makoy of the Certified Pinoy Blogger and Makoy's Snapshots. My contest titled "Humor Me Makoy Contest" will end tomorrow. I am inviting you and your readers to join my contest in which you have the chance of winning the $200 grand prize.

Entries are only accepted until 11:59 P.M. Singapore/Philippines Time. Visit for the details.

I hope to see you! Thanks so much!
Diane AZ said…
Fantastic, I love the colorful mural and steps!
Martha Z said…
It sure gets one's attention. Someone really let the creative juices flow. There is so much going on here that I bet you see somthing new each time you walk by
Ann said…
Well that would certainly make a person stop and take a look. That's very colorful. I'm curious too about who might live there.
Unknown said…
Fantastic house! Great photos!
Chubskulit Rose said…
Love that design through the backyard gate.
Ruthi said…
Wow... that house is very interesting.
Sharkbytes said…
Like, totally groovy, man!
RNSANE said…
It was fun to see this today with you, Jo. I don't know how I've missed this before in all my jaunts around this neighborhood. We do have some strange sights in the area - ie, the rusting car and horsetrailer in the yard! Perhaps some remnant from the old Haight-Ashbury days in San Francisco moved out to the Land's End area and is still happily smoking away at this residence??
wow. colorful house. an artist must be living there.
Duni said…
What a fun house to be living in - I like individualists who don't mind standing out in the crowd!
AVCr8teur said…
They've made their home a piece of art. I really like the mural on the side of the house. Hope you get to meet the residents.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Check, so true :)

Makoy, thanks.

Diane, I do too. They looked like some sort of tile.

Martha, exactly, I never know what I'm going to see.

Ann, I never see anyone around.

Thanks, Diane

Chub, I do too, that is pretty cool.

Ruthi, there is so much to see on it :D

Shark, LOL!!!

Carmen, I think smoking away is right. Which reminds me, despite all the opposition, it looks like the pot club down the street from me is going to be in business. Maybe I can get some macros of it :D

Shutter, You are probably right.

Dune, I'm with you, I feel the same way.

Karen, I hope I do someday.
lina said…
Sure looks like a fun house to live in. All those colours!
I wonder how the interior would be? :-)
Joanne Olivieri said…
lina, I wonder that too :D
Anonymous said…
What a colorful place Jo. Did you get a reading? I'm always hesitating about this subject..

Oh, by the way, you've been tagged on Dances of Dreams!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Icy, no I just pass by the house on my walks. It's very unique to say the least :) I'll check out your post. Thanks.

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