Without Sound

Both photos taken by me -View of my Street from the Great Highway along Ocean Beach

The wind caresses my face while I follow cotton candy clouds dancing against blue skies. Seagulls gracefully swirl above while black hawks hover over sand dunes. The pounding of waves against the shore reverberate in a familiar echo as an aquatic symphony permeates the salt air. I breath and inhale the refreshing sounds in a moment of sheer joy.

When all of a sudden, the silence interrupts. The birds mute, the wind quietly slapping my cheeks without even a whisper and the waves lost. Heavy footsteps, my own, are all I can hear amongst the dead solitude despite the colors of life surrounding me. For a moment, the deafness brings me to a place of relentless despair. A place where complete quiet resides and my ears no longer exist. Sounds escape me and I am lost in a world without life.


Secondary Roads said…
Nice contrast between the pictures. Each communicates a different feeling. The text carries one away . . .
rainfield61 said…

I hear the echoes of my voice only.

The street is still sound asleep.
Anonymous said…
I like the black and white version better. It seems more interesting :)
awesome writing n pics..simply superb lines!!
Ann said…
Love the words you have written, excellent. The photos are great. It's amazing how much of a difference there is when you look at things in black and white.
Margie and Edna said…
Is that your Rolls I see parked at the curb?
Reeni said…
I love this and the way you switched from color to black and white with the change in your emotions. How beautiful.
I am trying to figure out if sound really is colourful... ~bangchik
Diane AZ said…
Fascinating! The colors switch off as "silence interrupts."
yoon see said…
Wow! Great encounter....photo changed from colour to mute, so did the story.
I can feel myself in the story, so peaceful and no worries!
AVCr8teur said…
Great contrast between the two photographs and your words. Life without color is uninspiring.
Kass said…
I'm straining my eyes to see what the street sign says and I swear it reads, "Good Heavens."...but then I guess heaven is a great highway.

I like the black and white and the artistic despair.
It is so overwhelming to see and interpret a picture just by changing its color. I got scared and lonely with the last photo. Reminds me of zombie movies ; ( Good thing you got the scene in colored lol
Beautiful description, Jo, and the photos are gorgeous!
R.S Mallari said…
How fascinating, you have taken me for a ride, from the shore of happiness to the beach where memories are buried.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thanks Chuck, the contrast was the essence and I'm glad you caught it.

Rainfield, you are so cute and always make me smile :)

Brittany, It does tell the entire story.

Thank you so much Pryanka.

Ah, Ann, very well said - thanks

Margie, nope, the Margiedales carry me wherever I want to go.

Thank you so much Cinnamon

Bangchik, Something to contemplate :)

Diane, exactly, thanks for the comment

yoon see, the heart of peace :)

Karen, very well said, thanks.

Kass, LOL! Thank you

Mrs. M, Thank you so much xoxo

Thanks, Icy, glad you liked it.

Silent Poet, excellent line, I should have used it :) Thank you
C. JoyBell C. said…
That is your street? Wow- it looks like it's stuck in a different era- :)
C. JoyBell C. said…

My blog has a new title, my pen name has undergone a makeover... and I'm feelin' oh-so-fabulous about it! ;)
RNSANE said…
Quite an impact, Jo...I like the difference between the color and the black and white!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, the contrast is striking.

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