Scenic Sunday Sky

View from the Botanical Gardens in San Francisco. This was the last glimmer of blue skies right before a rainstorm. Enjoy!


betchai said…
beautiful Jo, the rain always bring more depth to the beauty of the sky.
Joanne Olivieri said…
It does betchai, thanks for visiting and happy holidays to you and your family.
Enchanted Oak said…
I love the contrast between soft white and sharp blue.
Rick (Ratty) said…
We've had clear skies for the past few days, but we don't have those green leaves to accompany it. We only have bare branches and snow right now.
VanillaSeven said…
Beautiful sky, perfect for sunday afternoon laziness :)
Beautiful sky and clouds. For a rainstorm, we need a thicker and darker clouds in Malaysia. ~bangchik
Unknown said…
Pretty blue sky and white clouds. Here we are in the all gray all the time sky.
earthtoholly said…
Wow! Gorgeous cloud there, Joanne. And that's an interesting shade of blue...I really like that!
Icy BC said…
Beautiful floating white cloud, Jo! I really like how it seemed as if it's moving!
rainfield61 said…
You have snow on the ground.

You have snow on the sky.
Margie and Edna said…
Margie: The Margiedales love your picture. They want to know if you're coming over for our New Year's Eve party??
lina said…
Gorgeous sky with a lovely contrast of white and blue.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thank you Enchanted Oak :)

Ratty, that would be lovely to see. It never snows here, only up in Tahoe. Though over the past few weeks some lower elevations in the Bay Area have seen snow.

Vanilla, know what you mean :D

bangchik, thanks for the comment

Diane, we are normally all in gray here too. The weather has been unpredictable.

Thank you so much Holly

Icy, yep, I caught it on the run

Rainfield, Just call me snow white :D

Margie, Tell the Margiedales I'll be there with bells on and nothing else :D

Thanks so much for visiting Lina.
beautifully captured! xoxo
i want to share with you my photo:

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