Wordless Wednesday ~ The Palace of Fine Arts


jill terry said…
What a beautiful and inspiring place. Thanks for sharing!
Theresa said…
Lovely photos of such a beautiful spot.
RNSANE said…
This was one of the first places I visited when I moved to San Francisco. I would bring Shawn, then five, and we would picnic and feed the ducks. He loved the Exploritorium! It is still one of the first stop on tours for my SF visitors. It is so beautiful. I keep thinking I will win the lottery and be able to purchase one of the houses directly across the street or on the Marina Green with a view of the Golden Gate!!!

Great photos!
Ann said…
What a wonderful choice for wordless wednesday. It's so beautiful. From Rnsane's comment it also sounds like a very interesting place to visit.
Anonymous said…
Completely striking captures ;-)
Just stunning, and fantastic photos, Jo! There are so many details in the third photo!
rainfield61 said…
What a wonderful palace. It displays the finest arts and beauty. You have captured them very well.
Reeni said…
How beautiful!! It looks Greek!
kml said…
I would have never guessed it was in the US. What a beautiful spot to study art!
AVCr8teur said…
I always like visiting this place. A busy place for wedding photos during the weekends.
Modern Mom said…
These are lovely! Happy WW.
Sharkbytes said…
That is one beautiful place!
Rick (Ratty) said…
That place is absolutely beautiful. I especially like your first picture. That one is stunning. I almost gasped when I saw it.
Cherry said…
you did justice to the palace with your fine photographs. ;)
Daisy said…
From the photos, you could imagine you are somewhere like Rome or Greece!
Unknown said…
Gorgeous images of one of my favorite places on the planet -thanks!
C. JoyBell C. said…
That just looks sooooo magical, Joanne!!!! OH!!! I can just escape into these photos, in my imagination!!!! I can just see myself there, right now!!!!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Jill, It really is, I love being there.

Theresa, thanks so much.

Carmen, thanks.

Ann, it's a wonderful place to visit and a must if you are ever in San Francisco. Thanks for stopping by.

B.Held, thank you so much.

Icy, Thanks, yeah, I looked up at those columns and was blown away.

rainfield, it is a piece of art in itself. Thank you my friend.

Cinnamon, It really does. It's like a little piece of Greece in the middle of San Francisco.

kml, thanks, it really inspires the muse.

AVC, yep, there was a wedding party there while I was snapping away.

Modern Mom, thank you and you too.

Sharkbytes, it certainly is and thank you for visiting.

Ratty, I know the feeling, I feel that every time I pass by. Thanks.

Cher, thanks so much for your kind words.

Daisy, it does have that feel. Thanks for stopping by.

wngl, aw, thank you.

C, To be there in person is magical. Thank you.

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