Through An Earthquake Lens

Photos courtesy of the New York Times

The San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge Upper Deck Collapse 10/17/89

As a tribute to all who risked their lives during the Loma Prieta Earthquake on October 17, 1989 I would like to offer a poem written by my friend Taylor Graham who along with her husband and their dogs took part in the rescue effort during this horrible disaster. I'd like to thank Taylor and her husband for helping and putting their own lives at risk during this earthquake and for also allowing me to share her wonderful poem with all of you.

For those of you in the Bay Area there will be a
monument tribute and memorial being held on the Marina Green in San Francisco today @ 3:00 p.m. Dignitaries along with Mayor Gavin Newsom and members of the police and fire departments will be on hand with festivities taking place throughout the day. Our own Sony Holland duo will be providing the musical entertainment for the ceremony. If you are in the area come on out. Thank you.


Everything that shatters stays
in focus, wooden verticals/horizon-
tals off-kilter
splintered jackstraws a grid of
studs and joists no longer
structure that could crumble in the
hand. This corner that was
someone’s home – is anyone asleep
here under comforters of
floor upholstery appliances?
glass in shards
pavement reflects sky flowing
over black earth
the morning after
no one answers. Here
we are in the dark of the
picture helmeted specks stepping
on a moonscape
ceiling plumbing shadowed
by a wall that hasn’t
fallen. Don't touch anything.


Those are fantastic pictures though very sad situations. Thank you for sharing.
Anonymous said…
I'm guessing you're at the memorial by now! The poem speaks so profoundly for that disaster.

Take care, Jo..
RNSANE said…
Such powerful memories of an incredibly sorrowful day for all of us in the Bay area. It seems like just yesterday.
rainfield61 said…
How powerful a piece of lens can be, it tells the story that need minimum words to explain.
I had left the Bay Area by then but my Mother was still there. I'll never forget her stories and the absolute horror of it all. Your photographs reminded me of just how precious life is.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Thank you all for your kind comments.

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