Hollywood Boulevard Characters

Me and my Superhero :) Click photos to enlarge the image

The cast of characters roaming Hollywood Boulevard is really quite a novelty. I first thought that maybe these people were just dressed up for Halloween but when talking to my superhero in the above photo, I found out that these people are actually out there on a daily basis and make their living taking photos with and receiving tips from tourists.

Some are more popular than others and some are also more aggressive than others. Elvis was one of those aggressive ones. When I snapped the photo of him which you'll see below, he came over to me, put his arm through mine and asked some guy to take our photo with my camera. While I love Elvis, I did not like his particular aggressive nature and pulled away. However, superman was much more sweet, charming, young and flirty, not to mention those huge muscles so of course I posed with him and slipped him a few bucks.

From then on I tried to be sly getting photos without having to pay them but it is difficult. For the most part, they are all very nice and friendly and the kids love them. You can find them around the heavily visited attractions like Graumans Chinese Theatre and The Hollywood Highland Center.


Elvis is in the house

Darth Vader was pretty lonely out there

Superman and ? - sorry I forgot his name sharing stories

Snoopy, Superman and some dominatrix who just happened to walk along as I snapped the photo. The dominatrix - not one of the regular characters out there


RNSANE said…
Interesting folks, Jo...I get down on occasion, free hotel, of course, at my friend, Jeannie's or elsewhere. She always takes me by a street named after Carmen Miranda ( my mom named me after
Carmen Miranda ). You could spend your whole L. A. allowance having photos made with these guys but some of them are worth the money!! Hey, they should be paying YOU - famous poet and all!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, You're right. My Brother actually told me I should wear some strange costume and just stand out there and recite poetry for tips :D He does have the right idea though, these characters can make some real money. I told Sony she should dress like Kim Basinger and get out there.
Margie and Edna said…
Margie: Guess I'm headed to Hollywood to make me some money. Bet you can't guess who I'm going to be???
Don't tell Edna.
rainfield61 said…
Interesting, I do not know Elvis is stll alive, and superman is there...

You must have a lot of fun visiting Hollywood.
Reeni said…
This looks so fun! It's like an amusement park! I would of had my picture with Snoopy!
Autumn Belle said…
Wow, Hollywood is truly a fantasy world. Today I learnt a new word, 'dominatrix', thanks.
Ann said…
That looks like a lot of fun. What an interesting way to earn a living, I don't think I would be too impressed by the pushy ones though, would remind me of those slimey car salesmen that just want your money. :)
Anonymous said…
Oh Jo, seem like you're having a wonderful time in Hollywood!
Unknown said…
Looks like you're having a real good time over there, Jo. Wish I could join you.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Margie, Lets see, hmmmm, Superwoman? or something I can't mention on my blog because I like to keep my blog rating at G :D

rainfield, Yep, Elvis looks pretty good for being dead right? :D I had a great time in Hollywood.

Cinnamon, yeah I should have. Snoopy is one of my all time favorites. Thanks for visiting.

Autumn Belle :D

Ann, exactly, that's what I didn't like about it. Thank you for commenting.

Icy, I had an awesome time while in Hollywood.

jakill, I wish you could as well. We'd have a blast.
C. JoyBell C. said…
I love the Incredibles!!!! :)

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