Far and Away

Far and Away

Stars exchange glances

moonlight pales
and I think of you
a distant echo
another realm

with me
nowhere to be found.


RNSANE said…
Jo, this makes me think of my friend, so very far away, in India. Such beautiful poetry.
Salitype said…
the picture is astonishing...it feels like within your grasp and yet it is not, hence the poem explained.

i wonder if you create the poem after the image or the image after the poem?

Angela said…
That is so beautiful. I have felt those feelings often in my life. I also want to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind and encouraging comments. It really means a lot to me. Take care, and have a wonderful weekend:)
rainfield61 said…
I am wordless to explain the feeling about your lines of words.
Ann said…
Love the image and it fits the poem perfectly. Funny I should see this today, because that's sort of how I'm feeling right now.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, I thought of you while writing it and knew it would stir those feelings. You'll be seeing him soon...

eng, I actually wrote the poem then decided I wanted a photo to accompany the poem on the post so I rummaged through my photos and found the rose. I edited the picture and added the stars to fit with the poem. Thanks so much for your words.

Angel, your blog is often an inspiration to me and I thank you for sharing with all of us. You have a wonderful weekend as well.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ann, Ah, then you were meant to visit. Thank you so much for your kind words and compliments.

Rainfield, You are speechless ? Wow ! :) Thank you.
Icy BC said…
Beautiful, Jo..It leaves me aching..
Autumn Belle said…
I like this picture and the poem written to match. Space has always facinated me and I like to gaze at it, whether from the night skies or from inspirational pictures like yours. You are truly a poetic shutterbug!
yoon see said…
Same here. I feel the urge to reconnect with my long lost friends that are so far in other lands....
Liz said…
It's beautiful! I suddenly missed my siblings who are both in the US.

Thanks for stopping over. Hope you have a fun weekend.
Your photograph gives the pleasure and beauty of space voyage..... ~bangchik
Jane Doe said…
A very haunting piece that leaves the reader with an ache of urgent longing. Beautiful.
Secondary Roads said…
I can remember days that I felt that way. What a brilliant but melancholy verse.
So sad but beautifully written and eloquent.

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