
This is just a short tidbit. Since I removed
Entrecard and stopped dropping, I noticed a huge decrease in traffic. Granted my bounce rate decreased but I did not like the decrease in traffic. So, I again went back to EC. I will be dropping on blogs that I know to be safe, without virus warnings etc... It also looks as if we have choices as to what paid ads will be shown on our blogs so I am feeling a bit better about the entire situation. I just have this love/hate relationship with EC that I cannot shake :D

I also wanted to let all of you know that since adding meta tags to my blogger template that my Google traffic and other search engine traffic has slightly increased.
So, you will all see me back on EC albeit with a different color widget as seen above this post.


Unknown said…
Hey, I noticed an increase in google and reading your post just remembered I added those metatags. Thanks. I think they help!

What was your problem with Entrecard? I have it and can't decide. I met a few people and just click on theirs. No one buys my ad, I don't show it prominently, don't want to so it seems random ppl show up. I don't really understand it.

Icy BC said…
I haven't my traffic since removing EC, but I find other blogs to visit from BlogUpp..
Rick (Ratty) said…
I haven't had enough of a problem with Entrecard to ever get rid of them yet, although I have been annoyed with them several times. I keep them as long as their ads don't become too objectionable to me. I really don't need their traffic, but it was things like them that helped me get any traffic at all in the beginning.

I'll have to remember to do the meta tags. It's search engine traffic that I look for the most. That's what I rely on most now, and any little bit extra helps.
RNSANE said…
I don't know anything about Entrecard and all of this. I am so new to blogging and, all I do know, my good friend and mentor, Joanne Olivieri, shared with me. When I win the lottery, I owe her a first class ticket to Hong Kong, that's for sure!!!
Joanne Olivieri said…
DK, Yes, the meta tags do help. My main problem with EC was dropping on blogs with virus warnings, pop ups etc... So now, I just drop on the ones I know to be safe. It's a great way to visit other blogs not only for credits so you can advertise on other blogs but you meet some great people there.

Icy, thanks for the tip.

Ratty, I got rid of EC a couple of times and always regretted it after the fact. Now though I've learned only to drop on blogs I know to be safe. Yep, my search engine increased a bit since I added the tags so I'm happy about that.

Carmen, if that's the case I'll be buying lottery tickets for you :) And, when you win we'll both go. I'm missing my "On The Star Ferry To Kowloon" on all levels.
AVCr8teur said…
Thanks for telling us your experience. I guess I'll keep EC for now.
You have to do what works for you. I stopped dropping months ago and left the widget as a courtesy to my readers and I removed it completely a couple of weeks ago. My traffic has actually gone up according to Google Analytics but I'm networking in other ways.
I loved your meta tag suggestion.
Welcome back to Entrecard. I don't think they treat their members very well, but I enjoy the extra visitors :-/

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