Wordless Wednesday - Ocean Beach Photos in San Francisco


Gorgeous, Jo. I want to be there instead of Portland. :)
Icy BC said…
How I wish I could be by the ocean! Very beautiful view..
RNSANE said…
Ah, lovely, and even lovelier in this spell of warm weather we're having....but not warm enough for me to immerse myself in the water!!!
RNSANE said…
I was just wondering, Jo, have you actually ever been swimming here? Besides being cold, I know it's not the safest surf to be in because of currents, etc...unless you are one of those wet-suited surfer dudes.
betchai said…
oh, i love that rock in the first picture Jo, oh and the wide sand, makes we want to be at the beach right now :)
Eng said…
wow! the sand, the sea and the blue sky...what can be prettier than that....
bessye said…
What are trying to do, get me to come out and visit you? (lol).

Mickey Disend said…

Exquisite work! I walk Ocean Beach as often as I can, especially on "bad" days when the beach is wild, woven, and full of 'wanderlust.'

My best friend owns Java Beach Cafe. I love that area better than any other here in SF.


Mickey Disend
Mark H said…
There is something truly restful about beach photos.
rainfield61 said…
Wow!! Rocky seaside that I love to see, to visit and to take picture.
earthtoholly said…
Gorgeous photos, Joanne. I especially like the second...that "rockscape" in the ocean there. Very nice!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Michelle, let's trade one of these days. I'd love to see Portland.

Icy, thanks I wish you could see it in person as well.

Carmen, I have been swimming there many times back in the day. However now it is very dangerous to swim out there or even wade out there. Warnings are posted all over about it but I do every so often go wading. I can't help myself.

betchai, Those rocks are part of the rocky cliffs. You would love it there.

eng, exactly, thank you.

bessye, that's exactly why I post these so you will come for a visit :)

Mickey, thanks for stopping by. I'm always out there as well. Love Java Beach cafe it's such a cool place. See ya on the surf :)

Mark, yes, it is very therapeutic and inspirational.

rainfield, it is gorgeous isn't it?

Holly, thanks, that is a favorite of mine too with the cliff house in the background.

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