Wordless Wednesday - Garden Paths


betchai said…
oh, beautiful garden paths Jo, i can get lost in there. love that colorful ground in the 3rd picture, but all three looks relaxing.
Icy BC said…
Wow...no need for words in these fantastic pictures, Jo..I can stare at these all day!
Lynne said…
I would love to have a garden big enough to have a path through it! These are all so pretty.
Modern Mom said…
I'm totally wordless. Beautiful.
Unknown said…
I love the view of all your pictures here. Great shot! Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Betchai, I love walking those paths for that reason. I feel so relaxed and inspired.

Icy, You are sweet, thank you.

Lynne, So would I. I have to get to the Botanical Gardens to see all of this beauty.

Modern Mom, Aw, thank you so much.

shydub, Thanks and Happy Wordless to you as well.
Cruiselife & Co said…
Wow, how lovely. I miss trees and plants that don't resemble palm trees. lol
Maria@CWMs said…
That is gorgeous. It must be so peaceful to walk through that.
Stacie said…
These pictures are gorgeous!
Chubskulit Rose said…
wow very relaxing photographs..
Nessa said…
I love walking in the parks with blooming flowers and stone paths. Calming and soothing to the mind :)
Ayie said…
beautiful garden paths! the different colors and forms give a lot of character.

Happy WW!
Rick (Ratty) said…
This place just looks so relaxing. I could wander around in there for hours.
Campbell Jane said…
I love Golden Gate Park, especially the Japanese Tea Garden. If only my yard could look like that!
Secret forest said…
I MUST spend my summer holidays in a place like this. Anything else won't be a holiday. :)
C. JoyBell C. said…
I love those purple splotches over the grass like that! What are those? Angels' footprints? :)
katherine said…
wow...very beautiful. Wish i was there walking around.

Thanks for the visit and comment.
katherine said…
i grab your badge now Jo..
Sandy said…
Beautiful, wish I were there right now enjoying the sites.

Popping in on my friends today to ask a favor, could you swing by to see what I'm talking about.

Thanks bunches
Joanne Olivieri said…
Dr. Lauren, lol

Maria, It certainly is very peaceful and serene.

Stacie, Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

Rainfield, Thanks my friend.

Chubskulit, they certainly do bring peace and tranquility.

Nessa, exactly, that's why I love it so much. Thank you.

Ayie, thanks.

Ratty, you would absolutely love it.

Campbell Jane, Yes I love the tea garden as well.

Secret forest, Thank you.

Charity, yes they are :)

Katherine, you are welcome and thanks for stopping by. Thanks for the badge grab :) I am now following you as well.

Sandy, Thanks and I'll check it out.
Boom said…
beautiful garden,i hope i can go there and take a good shot
zorlone said…
Lovely garden paths. Definitely a must go place when reflecting or just to leisurely walk for some stress free stroll.


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