Poetic Tapestries

Poetic Tapestries

I gather solace
in words loosely airbrushed
by visceral rhapsodies fusioned.

Eloquent echoes
symmetrically evolve
aware, yet vague



Writing Nag said…
Beautiful photo and poem Joanne! I love Chihuly!
betchai said…
lovely Jo, both the poem and the picture.
Jane Doe said…
I love this one! The words that you used are so vibrant and expressive. Very well done.
Both poem and photos are beautiful, Jo!
Cherry said…
the photo is a piece of art and the poem is just amazing!
Unknown said…
The poetry and illustration are perfect matches.
Rick (Ratty) said…
Both poem and photo are great. You picked a good combination.
Anonymous said…
Horrible, please stop making art
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, Thank you.

Writing Nag, I do too. His art is spectacular.

Betchai, thanks my friend.

Jane Doe, thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Icy, thanks alot.

Cher, I was so lucky to be able to photograph is art at an exhibition. Thanks.

Judy, Thanks for your comments.

Ratty, I thought they fit pretty well. Thanks.

Anonymous, Looks like I struck a nerve - Thank you so much for your comment.
WillOaks Studio said…
I've always loved Chihuly and fusing that photo with your poem was just a wonderful treat tonight, thank you!
AVCr8teur said…
This must have been from the Chihuly exhibit that I missed. They are even more beautiful with poetry.
C. JoyBell C. said…
Joanne? What does....visceral....mean? :)
robin said…
This is lovely! And the photo is beautiful...
Joanne Olivieri said…
WillOaks, Thank you. I love Chihuly's work as well.

AVC, Yes this was the DeYoung exhibit which was a few months ago.

Charity, visceral means being intuitive and emotional.

Robin, Thanks Robin :)
The poem and image work well together. I love the lighting in the photo :-)

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