The Cliffs At Sutro Baths In San Francisco

It has been a while since I've journeyed out to Ocean Beach and where Sutro Baths was once located. I wanted to be able to get a video of the waves at my feet at the edge of the cliffs. However the only way to get there was to trek down an extremely steep and hilly area. Unfortunately since my vertigo episodes I am very cautious as to where I hike. As you go down the steep steps and reach a landing point there are two paths in which to walk. One is the steep path which takes you to the edge and one is a more level path which brings you right above the edge of the cliffs. Due to my fear of never knowing when the vertigo will attack and the fact that the wind was blowing a gale yesterday I decided to take the level path above the cliffs.

It was a gorgeous day out there with the skies a deep blue and the ocean a fierce phenomenon. The photo above is just one of many that I had taken. I will have more over the next few days. I love this one because I was able to catch part of the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. The video below displays the intensity of the ocean yesterday. If you look closely you can see some guy atop the rocks at the edge of the cliff just hanging out and enjoying the surroundings. I have no idea how he got up there other than climbing those dangerous rocks. I actually thought of Betchai and how she probably would be doing the same had she been there. Enjoy!


jakill said…
Love the photo and the video too. Feeling a bit seasick now. LOL
Beautiful photo, and wonderful sound of the ocean..That person on the cliff made me nervous though..
Joanne Olivieri said…
jakill, You are way too funny.

Icy, He made me very nervous. Those cliffs are very dangerous and it was extremely windy yesterday. He was a daredevil.
bessye said…
Simply gorgeous picture! I use to live right up the street from there. Not even five minutes. And the video! awesome...

betchai said…
wow, your photo is very lovely Jo, your choice for a good spot to take picture is really great. and thanks for the video, i always love listening to the healing power of the ocean. oh, am not sure if i would be as daredevil as that guy if there is no safe access to that rock, and knowing the pounding waves, i would be scared to get near afraid to get pounded. thanks for the special mention, it really brought laughter to my day, thanks for your vote of confidence Jo.
betchai said…
wow, your photo is very lovely Jo, your choice for a good spot to take picture is really great. and thanks for the video, i always love listening to the healing power of the ocean. oh, am not sure if i would be as daredevil as that guy if there is no safe access to that rock, and knowing the pounding waves, i would be scared to get near afraid to get pounded. thanks for the special mention, it really brought laughter to my day, thanks for your vote of confidence Jo.
Joanne Olivieri said…
bessye, What a fantastic area in which to live. You must have loved it.

betchai, I love listening to the ocean as well it's very calming. Yeah I was afraid just watching that guy. He was either a daredevil or had a death wish. I'm not that brave :-)
VanillaSeven said…
I recorded the sound of the waves from my recent trip too! It's really soothing. Talking about the cliff reminded me, certain places seems easy when you climb but much harder when you trying to go down since the rocks are sharp and yet slippery. great photo Jo :)
WillOaks Studio said…
Ooohhhh you've made me miss watching the ocean!! Here in the middle of the's just the sounds of bull frogs. Waves are hypnotic!
rainfield61 said…
I seldom see such a rocky seaside at my place. This add wonder further to your post. Great shots.
Joanne Olivieri said…
vanilla, thanks and you are right about the cliffs being sharp and slippery.

WillOaks, Bull frogs can be cool too :) Yes waves are very hypnotic.

rainfield, thank you.
Rick (Ratty) said…
It's a gorgeous view, especially with the bridge in the background. The video strikes fear into my heart though. I love seeing the water, but I've always been terrified of drowning, so I wouldn't get very close with it like that. I'd still love seeing it though.
C. JoyBell C. said…
Hello Shutterbug!!! :) Thank you for visiting me, and for thinking about what I wrote. :) This post of yours reminds me of a poem I wrote many months ago, it is about a dream I have, which takes place at the ocean! :) I haven't published that poem yet, though!

What lovely sounds of the ocean...
Joanne Olivieri said…
Ratty, I can understand that. It's beautiful even at a distance.

Charity, I would love to see the poem. I also have a poetry ezine where I can publish poetry.
RNSANE said…
I just love the ocean - it's beautiful here, as it is so many places on this earth that I have been privileged to visit. I always feel so in awe of its mightiness and power, yet sometimes it is so serene and peaceful.
Joanne Olivieri said…
Carmen, Very well said and so true.

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