Wordless & Weird Wednesday

A few of the oddities at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, Enjoy!

Upside down jellyfish.

While at the Academy of Sciences I stumbled across this exhibit. I should have taken notes rather than rely on my memory which seems to always elude me these days. However this exhibit was the stomach contents of either a whale, shark or snake. I cannot remember which it was but if any of you know please let me know.

Coral Whiskers

Residents of the Galapagos Islands.


Icy BC said…
The first photo caught me by surprise..I couldn't figure out what it was..and the videos were interesting!
rainfield61 said…
Jelly is nice to see, but not advisable to touch.
I have jellyfish on the seaside. It always hurts people.
betchai said…
the jellyfish looks so interesting. like Icy, I did not know what it was, i thought they were tiny cluster of anchovies in a bowl
Rick (Ratty) said…
That's cool, I just saw a show about killer jellyfish. I think I like the picture with the license plate the most though, just because it's so strange. I would guess it's from a shark. That video of the iguanas was fascinating.
katherine said…
Oh i only saw an ordinary jelly fish here but those on the photos and videos were new to me. I thought the first pic was a grass. Anyway, im scared of jelly fish especially the big one because they can kill people.

BTW, thanks jo for the comment to my yellow, mellow monday post, haha. I love yellow flowers..Thanks in advance.

Have a great day.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the kind comments on my blog!

You have some great stuff here also (though poetry is not my area of expertise ! :-)
Joanne Olivieri said…
Icy, I was there and couldn't figure it out at first :)

rainfield, yes, they can be dangerous.

betchai, I never thought of that but they do look like it.

Ratty, I liked that too and you are probably right that it was a shark.

Katherine, Thanks for stopping by and you have a great weekend.

Jordan, Thanks for reading and commenting.

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